Friday, January 18, 2013

Dust Striped Walls and Brown Tiles- AJ is trying to send us a message!

These items were pretty rare but not uber-rare. I think AJ is bringing back rares and betas to send us a message! AJ is trying to tell us rares aren't everything! They don't want this becoming like all those other games- that lost their meaning due to rarity. Also, here are the pics of the brown tile and DSW.
Oh, and AJ also made tablets and dog sleds! :D They are so CUTE!

Well, thats all! Keep on Jamming!
~viki1027 X3

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Top Hats? What the heck!?

Guys! I have UBER-IMPORTANT NEWS! Top hats came back on Animal Jam! Same with scary jester hats,freedom hats, etc. Animal Jam why are you doing this? Top hats are good, but people traded REALLY valuable stuff! Sorry to all those who traded good for them, here is my hatapolozza hat stock! XD

Well, thats it! More updates on the way!
~Viki1027 <3

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Important Topic

Hey Guys today is a very important topic-Animal Jam Rule Breakers.
Lately people have been breaking rules of Animal Jam. This has been going on since AJ began!
We must put an end to this! Scammers,Hackers,Swearers,Lovers,and more! Theres more, but my personal worst is people going around that are in their mid-30's on Animal Jam asking for info and just being GROSS! This is also known as pedobear... XD I don't want to say the real word or I might get a warning or somethin' =T Until all this stops, uhmmmm, we'll make videos about these issues,make clubs about this, and more! If you have other ways, put a comment below ^3^
 Oh and If you were wondering, that pic above this is a picture of a person who swore to me for not trading her a phantom plushie, hey, not my fault a seal plushie that I can get now is NOT a good offer for my cute phantom -3-, well, she was saying the letters, kinda like this- yeah immature, right? How does she know if I'm a overweight female dog? I think she watches me 0.0 Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1st post

Hey Guys!!! This is my 1st post. So what this blog will be about is- well obviously Animal Jam XD
It will also give fashion tips,recipes,giveaways,lps, and more!!!
Well, this is a really crappy font =T Ugh serif is SO annoying DX
Well Bye!!!